Some view the form and function of today’s church as fragmented and in conflict between spiritual leaders and the faithful. Christian mystics sense something new and fresh needs to be introduced to the Christian community. They are formulating new models of ministry and outreach that are palatable in today’s world.

The pathway for the Christian mystic releases the heart to receive and convey wisdom and knowledge. For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you, says the LORD, plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11 AMP).
Christian mystics have a unique way of thinking and interacting with an inner world that is beyond the understanding of most people. They are introspective, self-reflective, and acknowledge their reliance on something greater than themselves. Their actions are purposeful, and they have unwavering faith in a Divine plan.

Grace, Favor, and Spiritual Blessing is upon the Christian Mystic
The Christian Mystic:
Is Filled with Wisdom
Is Disciplined
Climbs Spiritual Mountains
Serves God while striving for Kingdom greatness

Christian mystics are known for their courage and sense of adventure. They are called to journey under God's protection, no matter how long or far it takes to carry out His will. Those who are unbalanced are often attracted to the Christian mystic.

Christian Mystics are Trailblazers
They prioritize serving others over personal gain and ambition, selflessly making sacrifices to ensure blessings for others. They feel a deep connection to following God's will.
The results of pioneering:
* Open to exploring uncharted territories or a new way of thinking.
* Sacrificed all to assure blessings will come to others.
* Their worst fears and insecurities are exposed during the journey.
Christian Mystics are Disciples
God is not interested in Christian mystics gaining fame, but in transforming them into devoted followers. Press into learning. Stay strong.

Christian Mystics are Reformers
Christian mystics embark on a healing journey, being readied to convey hope and change to others. They are spiritually sensitive to otherworldly experiences with thoughts and responses that are beyond the mortal mind.
God is not brought around in building personal reputations, but in molding Christian mystics toward being supernatural representatives.
Encouragement and Wisdom
Historically, the term mystic is drawn from the Greek word mystos – someone spiritually advanced and has special knowledge. The Christian mystic is likened to a butterfly. It stays in a cocoon until it is released to fly to a predesignated place. A butterfly cannot be forced to emerge before its time. At just the right moment it is set free to fulfill its destiny. The Lord directs Christian mystics in unexpected ways. They share Godly wisdom at just the right moment.

When the Christian mystic accepts the calling, the door closes to a familiar life. The road ahead is steep and unpredictable – filled with uncertainty, adversity, and hardship.
God's desire is for the Christian mystic to live close to His heart. They don't draw attention to themselves. For that reason, they grow in character to receive and convey wisdom. Wisdom isn't meant to rescue or fix someone's problem. As mystics head in the right direction, they express wisdom through blessing, encouragement, and healing. Encouragement is an outgrowth of prayer. They are created to revolutionize.

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Joan Marks
“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Raymond Souza
“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Maggie Stalk

God Builds a Bridge to the Unknown
Christian mystics thoughtfully travel with God. They go forward in joy and in confidence. On the pathway, they receive special wisdom, understanding and insight. These attributes come to the Christian mystic’s heart at just the right time. They are for people not yet found.
Christian mystics are emptied by God while on the bridge and filled with something superior to their previous state. The journey across the bridge is a representation of an unalterable path. The unknown is where they receive impartation, empowerment, and greater clarity.
The Lord issues specific unique assignments to carry encouragement and healing. There are many people that need a touch and blessing.
Every day, Christian mystics encounter The Lord. On the bridge, God communicates through symbols and signposts that guide them to the unknown. They discover a new world that is vibrantly alive with His presence.
Christian mystics discover more as they obey. Instead of demanding to know what lies ahead, they find peace following the guidance already given. The Lord illuminates the path of those who love Him, providing wisdom for each day. As a result, God becomes the center of their life.

Mountains and The Bible
Mountains held great significance for men of the Bible.
1. The journey up the mountain was a central aspect of their faith, requiring obedience.
2. The mountain was the most pivotal experience in their life.
3. The mountain was seen as a symbol of importance.
4. It was on the mountain that God would speak to them,
5. God chooses when to climb the mountain.
What mountain is The Lord calling you to climb?

Afterwards Jesus went up the MOUNTAIN and called out the ones he wanted to go with him. And they came to him (Mark 3:13 NLT).
The disciples followed Jesus up a mountain to receive the call.
Then Moses climbed the MOUNTAIN to appear before God... (Exodus 19:3a NLT).
Moses ascends Mount Sinai eight times to be given instruction.
So he got up and drank, and the food gave him enough strength to travel forty days and forty nights to Mount Sinai, the MOUNTAIN of God (I Kings 19:8 NLT).
The Lord met Elijah at Mount Sinai where He presented Elijah with his next mission.
Christian mystics reside on mountains constantly shift their position to gain a better understanding and connection with The Lord. They seek new revelations, insights, and clarity of vision, which help them recognize God's architectural plan through subtle promptings and signposts.
Russell D. Ward

Russell has written two books on the Wilderness. Read these practical manuals reassuring believers they can have a fulfilling and complete life, regardless of their present adversity.
Details found at promisedlandbook.com​​
Available in Paperback, eBook & Audiobook
Loss sets off the Wilderness journey
90 Day Devotional Companion
Russell began his career as a pastor. After 8 years, he transitioned to being a small business owner. His start-up businesses include a Christian bookstore, land investment enterprise, and a business coaching service.
Russell is an author, workshop speaker, teacher, and business consultant (over 400 clients served). He longs to make Christian mysticism relevant to those in need. His keen organizational skills uniquely prepare Christian mystics to go out and serve their communities. Russell’s training process focuses on a plan to reach a new level of authority and ability. He instructs making the best decisions possible in spiritual development.
He lives with the never-ending awareness that prayer is a gift. It is an experience God carries to finale, not something reached independently.
He holds two masters degrees (Divinity and Ministry Management.
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Embark with Russell into the world of opportunity.
Russell D. Ward
Bountiful, Utah
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