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Christian Symbols


BLACK - Death to an old life
BLUE - Peace
GREEN - New start
RED - Passion
YELLOW - Thinking clearly


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ANT – Bring your life to order

BADGER – Improvement of health

BEAR – New beginnings

BEE – Wealth

BUTTERFLY – New beginning

CAT (BLACK) – Adventure and courage

CAT (WHITE) – Money

COUGAR – Passion

COW – God is going to be kind to you soon

DEER – God’s presence

ELEPHANT – Removing obstacles

ELK – Wisdom

FAWN – Future success and wealth

FLY – Personal freedom

FOX – Come into a large sum of money

GERBIL – Energy

GOPHER – Dig to uncover hidden truths and meanings

HORSE – You are destined to achieve great things

LADY BUG – Positive opportunity in life

LEOPARD – You will overcome your current struggles through perseverance

MOTH – Spiritual energy

RABBIT (WHITE) – Guide to steer you in the right direction

SNAKE –  Sense what others are thinking and/or feeling

SPIDER – Something good is about to happen

SQUIRREL – Resourcefulness

TURTLE – Persistence and patience


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BALTIMORE ORIOLE – Directional guardian, associated with the north

BIRD'S NEST – Onset of peace

BLACKBIRD – Good news and joy are on the way

BLUE JAY – Patience in timing

CARDINAL – Teachers and seers conveying wisdom

CROW – Wisdom and intuition

DOVE – Messenger

EAGLE – Courage to stretch your limits

FEATHER (BLACK) – Protection. Get closer to those you love. Rise higher

GOLDFINCH – Blessed with good fortune

GREAT TAILED GRACKLE – See beyond the obvious

HAWK – Wisdom

MAGPIE – Embark into the world of opportunity

OWL – Intuitive knowledge

PARROT – Communication

RAVEN – Masters of synchronicity

ROBIN – Positive changes to your life

SPARROW – The Lord is in charge of every detail of your life


SWAN – Wisdom

WHITE BIRDS (FLOCK) – God’s presence

WINGS – Nothing is holding you back


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$1 BILL – Happiness in life

2 – Protection

3 – Inner guidance

5 – Major changes are coming

7 – You are on the right path

8 – Inner wisdom

9 – Spiritual enlightenment

10 – Listen to what your instincts are telling you

11 – Spiritual enlightenment

18 – Accomplishment

21 – Happiness and fulfillment

22 – Accomplishment

23 – Something new is starting

25 – New adventures

27 – Good news coming soon into your life

28 – Encouragement

30 – You will be a source of inspiration for others

32 – Encouragement

50 – A sign of healing when it comes to matters of love

52 – Courage

53 – Great changes are about to take place

55 – Major life changes are coming

57 – Listen to your inner voice

58 – Immense wealth

59 – Carrier of meaningful energy

61 – Keep your thoughts positive and optimistic

65 – You are on the right path

67 – Spiritual awakening

71 – Great blessings and opportunities are coming into your life

72 – Compassion

73 – Great spiritual power. Put your efforts into spiritual development

75 – Rest and relax from all the hard work 

80 – Prosperity, success and abundance

81 – Reminder to maintain balance and harmony in your relationship

82 – You have the strength to overcome all challenges and obstacles

85 – Numerous opportunities are coming into your life

88 – Success

95 – All your hard work and efforts will soon be rewarded

97 – Do away with the old phase of life

98 – Sign your life is going to take a positive turn

99 – Beginning of something new

100 – Spiritual journey

110 – You will succeed

111 – New beginning. Divine guidance

120 – Trust all will work out for the highest good

150 – Success

223 – You are right where you need to be

297 – Always trust God to see you through

300 – Be ready for positive change

317 – You have made the right decisions. There is a great future in front of you

320 – You can achieve whatever you set out to accomplish

327 – A new chapter is about to start

333 – Discovery of a new path

349 – Financial stability

394 – Your life will be full of blessings

399 – Your skills and talents as a light worker are desperately needed

444 – Your inner wisdom has been pointing you in the right direction

455 – Embrace change

500 – Sweeping changes will abound

529 – Your breakthrough is about to happen

555 – Meaningful change is imminent

600 – Promise of major change

650 – Work as a team

666 – You are making decisions that put you on the right path

705 – Spiritual growth and transformation

1000 – Start of a new phase in life

1500 – Inner wisdom

1750 – Strength

2929 – Act on your dreams. Divine protection

5000 – Your life is about to take a different turn

10,000 – Abundance. Fresh opportunities are on the horizon

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ACHILLES – Courageous
APPLE – Wisdom
ARM (RIGHT) – Venturing into brand new territory
ARMS – Jesus reaching out to me in time of need
BACKPACK – Unfinished business
BABY BOTTLE – New development in your life
BATTERY – Opportunities will enter into your life
BEARD – Higher standards of thinking
BELL – On the eve of an important event
BICYCLE – Rapid success
BLEACH – Cleansing
BLEEDING – End of a cycle
BURNING RUBBER – Happy journey
BUS – Succeed in your plan
CACTUS – Reconciliation
CRAYON – Creativity
DAISY – Friendship
DENIM – Throw off shackles
DIME – The Holy Spirit is guiding you
EIFFEL TOWER – Positive omen
ELBOW – You will reap the benefits of your hard work
ENERGY – Spiritual strength
FIRE TRUCK – Something extraordinary will happen to you
FRONTIER – Experiencing change. Pioneering
GARAGE – Inner peace
GOLF BALL – Spiritual awakening
GRAPES – Abundance
GUITAR – Develop more skill to reach new levels
GUITAR (PERSON PLAYING) – You will receive support from a person you didn’t expect
HANGER – Overcoming difficult obstacles
HAT – Positive energy
HELICOPTER – Beginning of your journey. Determination to achieve success
HELMET (BICYCLE) – You will get help. Supernatural ability.
HOLE – Pause to rest
HONEY – New success
HOOK – Connection
JACKET – Abundance, good news and unexpected good events
JET FIGHTER SMOKE TRAIL – Happiness in the future
JOURNEY – Change in your life direction
KEYSTONE – Bridge builder
KNOCK – Coming changes
LAMP – Easily understand a situation
LAND – Wealth
LEAVES – Growth
LICENSE PLATE – You are entering a new phase in your life
LISTEN – Obedience
LOCK – Protect your heart
LOCKER – Willingness to be open to new ideas
MAIL CARRIER – Take on new information and new ideas
MARBLE – Creativity. Financial success
MOUNTAIN – Working to achieve something. Overcoming a challenge
MOUNTAIN RANGE – Achievement
MOTORCYCLE – Doing all you can to achieve a goal
NAIL (METAL) – Build a new thing
ORANGE (FRUIT) – Cleansing
PANTS – Authority
PAPER CLIP – New starting point
PEACHES – Wealth. Trust in God's Provision
PENCIL – You are going to experience new achievements
PERFUME – New beginning
PHONE – Presence of God
PIER – Possessing a great hope
PILLAR – Strength
PINE CONE – Enlightenment
POLE - New heights
PREGNANT WOMAN – New beginning
PT CRUISER – Uniqueness
RAINBOW – Turning point in life
RAINBOW (DOUBLE) – Dramatic change in life
RING – Completeness. Unwavering commitment to God
ROOM – A new aspect of yourself you haven’t explored before
ROSE – Joyful occasion is nearing
SALT – Dependable
SCREW – Issue will be finalized
SKY – No borders for growth
SKYSCRAPER – Presence of God
SNOWFLAKE – Financially secure life
STAR – Guidance
STAIRWAY – Reach a higher level of understanding
SUNFLOWER – You are heading in the right direction
TOE (BIG) – Open to new ideas
TOES – Everything is in perfect order
UMBRELLA – Protection
WATER – Cleansing
WATERFALL – Visible change
WASHER (that goes with a bolt/screw) – Resolution
WASHING MACHINE – Resolve issues of the past

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