Mystic Preparation


Mystic Preparation: A New Start
We are pressured in every way [hedged in], but not crushed... (2 Corinthians 4:8a AMP).
God puts subtle pressure on the Christian mystic for change. The mystic journeys alone to prepare for the call. The Lord Jesus makes anew the person into a vessel fit for service to the Kingdom of God.
Mystic Preparation: Hearing God’s Voice
[we are] perplexed [unsure of finding a way out], but not driven to despair (2 Corinthians 4:8b AMP).
The Christian mystic must cease to determine the outcome. Instead, stand with God as He prepares a new way. In the transition, the mystic learns the difference when God speaks and the voice of his own mind. The Lord Jesus reveals a new language sending the mystic in an unexpected direction.
Mystic Preparation: Climbing the Mountain
Then Moses climbed the mountain to appear before God... (Exodus 19:3a NLT).
The Christian mystic is called by The Lord to climb the spiritual mountain, shedding unwanted baggage along the way. As they ascend, they experience a sense of freedom and undergo a transformation that reveals their Divine will. Some are asked to climb a physical mountain, where they are anointed and entrusted with the Lord's secrets.
Mystic Preparation: The Calling
Like Barnabas, embrace the Christian mystic gift of encouragement. They don’t need to be recognized. The mystic has a God-given drive to go out and share God’s love, joy, and peace. Start to tap into the "signs" being hand out. Life completely transforms, stress goes down and day-to-day complications all but disappear.
Mystic Preparation: Power Places
The Christian mystic experiences a heart shift when visiting various power places, resulting in a new structure. God calls the Christian mystic to a different relationship, leading to greater honesty and transparency. The love exchange reveals what is being held back and challenges the Christian mystic to hear God in a new, uncomfortable, and unfamiliar way. This leads to a fresh understanding that transcends human reasoning. (See Blog about Power Places for further details)
Mystic Preparation: Waiting
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31a TLB).
While on the mountain, the Christian mystic waits. Nothing seems to be happening. But things unfold that cannot be seen. In the mystic preparation, no stone is unturned. Peace is found resting in Him. Waiting leads to new power and ability. The Lord is molding the Christian mystic to be His spokesman.
Mystic Preparation: Achieve a Healthy Body
It's important understand how the body functions, how it heals, and how to interact with its energy. The body's normal functions and cravings communicate what it needs. Everything that is put in the body has vibrational energy that can help, heal, or harm. To maintain good health, it's important re-examine eating patterns, partner with an integrative medicine professional, and embrace proper nutritional habits. (See Blog about Integrative Medicine and the Christian Mystic)
Mystic Preparation: The Release
…Jesus went up on a mountain and called out the ones he wanted to go with him. And they came to him (Mark 3:13 NLT).
Jesus anointed the disciples and set them apart for ministry. When the time is right, The Lord anoints and entrusts the Christian mystic with His secrets in whatever forms He intends. And sends them out. Many people benefit because the Christian mystic blazes a new path for others to follow.