The Lord speaks to the Christian mystic in a fundamentally different language. Once stopping at multiple power places (see blog on Power Places) a shift is triggered (how one thinks and how God presents Himself). God challenges the mystic to interact with Him in a different way. Initially, the new path is uncomfortable, unclear and unfamiliar. What emerges is a fresh expression of knowing that goes beyond human reasoning.
As this shift occurs, the Christian mystic is unprepared to explain why they feel directed to do something or why go to an unfamiliar destination or why to “think outside the box.” It can’t be explained, because it is a mystery. The mystic wrapped in faith and obedience intuitively falls in line with what God says. He puts his full trust in God to lead him to a beautiful place.
It is God’s privilege to conceal things… (Proverbs 25:2a NLT).
As the Christian mystic turns to God, the heart is transformed connecting with His spiritual plan. Surrender brings growth, knowing that God is ultimately in control.
Laying your life down in tender surrender before the Lord will bring life, prosperity, and honor as your reward (Proverbs 22:4 TPT).