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We tend to fondly look back to those experiences that have sustained and nourished us. Recently they are not touching us in the same way. It is time to pivot – to alter the pattern of one’s life.

For example, when a household finds a new job, moves to a new city or new house, each participant relates differently to one another. The change triggers a new pattern of life. Each person’s heart is opened to The Lord in a different way. This new pattern pushes one to rediscover how God is present now.

When the Christian mystic returns from multiple power places, a heart adjustment brings new structure. The Lord is calling the mystic to a new relationship. This love exchange with God sheds light on where we hold back or refuse to change. It also challenges us to greater honesty and transparency.

God wants to escort the Christian mystic to experience a deeper connection to Him. When He does, the pattern of the rhythm of life – especially prayer patterns are different. It's likened to a butterfly emerging at just the right time.

There is a temptation to return to what has worked in the past. It has been destroyed. God is opening the Christian mystic's heart towards a new love relationship. Everything that is needed has its counterpart in Him.

But Jesus told him, Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62 NLT).


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